Of course, trying to find trends has gone out the window, at least graphically, since today's stats are so high that all proceeding days are just a smudge against the bottom of the scale.
Whoever first found the "Infant Care" post, and published it, has been copied by at least 4 other high traffic sites. Its interesting to see new town names on the trackers.
Just a quick thought about an Obama/Clinton ticket. Obama has a chance of drawing many votes from those the neo-cons call RINOs (Republican In Name Only). He has a very broad appeal. But if he joins with Clinton then he won't get those votes. Clinton is the devil incarnate to most Republicans and she would, at most, only draw that small percentage of the electorate that she desperately appealed to in the waning days of the primaries.In my opinion, she would be a greater liability to the ticket than an asset.
IBM's supercomputer, ROADRUNNER, has broken the petaflop barrier. Thats 1,000 trillion calculations per second, twice as fast as the prior record, also held by IBM. What is most amazing is that the components used were the same as found in PlayStation 3.

"Let's all be careful out there!"