The first fare, after only an hours wait, was a very sweet couple going out to Sansei. Had their return also. I might get them tonight for a pu-pu run to Capische, at the Diamond Resort. Just up the hill from the Kea Lani Resort and Mulligans On The Blue. We had absolutely no bar-rush or bar-close traffic.
Picked up a 3-some (2-M 1-F) around 11:15p from the Sports Page, headed to Menehune Shores with a stop at Taco Hell along the way. They were from San Francisco. "Shotgun" was whining about taking a cab since it was only 2 blocks. I laughed and told him it was more than 2 blocks. It is closer to 4 miles. North Kihei, almost into FAR north Kihei. I agreed to stop at Taco Hell if they promised not to eat in ONE-NINE. We reached an accord. A few moments later "shotgun" started trying to speak in pidgin.
"Hey bro, err, brah. You got some da kine?"He ranted about marijuana laws all the way to Taco Hell.
"Some da kine. You know brah! Da kine, weed, pot, mary-gee-wanna."
"Bullshit, brah. All cabbies sell smoke. Why not you."
"You are definitely barking up the wrong tree, pal. I don't do that shit. I am a retired cop."
"So do you think weed should be illegal?"
"I don't really care either way. Currently it is illegal and that is all that matters to me. So, sorry, I can't help you."
They returned to the cab and, before we had moved 50 feet, the lady in the back starts in on me.
"So, why did you become a cop? Like to beat people up and be a real asshole?"
"Actually, it was a life long dream. Back to my earliest memories."
"Shotgun" pipes in with,
"I don't like cops. Your all a bunch of fascist pricks."The other male, in the rear with the female, is busy scarfing down food.
"You know what, folks? This ride is over. Right here and right now. $12.50 please.""Shotgun" bails out his door like a "joy buzzer" had gone off against his ass. The female starts begging for me to reconsider.
No Fucking Way!!
Ol' "Charlie Taco" is still shoving food into his face. Oh, I had to give them directions,"Just 2 miles that-a-way. On the left. Can't miss it."The last I saw of them they were entering Tipups.
9 fares / 71 miles / 4th quarter below $100 bracket
I pass through most of the commiunities on Mau'i. Sometimes there are things that you just miss. My associate, Tina, was riding her moped across the island and, due to the low speed, spotted the town sign for Pa'ia. Didn't know about that "hippie rule".Have a fantastic day and weekend!
Hope to see you tomorrow.
Assorted Mau'i

"Let's all be careful out there!"