The bad news is that I BARELY broke $100.
An agonizingly slow shift.
About a hour into the night I had my first run from Wailea to OGG. A nice early-20's kid from the "Bay Area", in California. A very pleasant, geeky, kind of kid. His grandparents own a condo up on the Kapalua side of Mau'i. When I mentioned that he just might inherit it someday, he paused and reflected. His silence announcing that he hadn't really comtemplated that grandma and grandpa would not always be around. He gave a barely audible gasp and whispered,
"I hadn't thought about that before. I could get the condo. Its all paid for. Man, I'd love to live here forever."I am not familiar with the current prices of real estate in that area. Also, there are many, many condo complexes, of varying quality. A safe guess is that the condo is worth between $500k and $2M.
Compared to the rest of the night crew, I didn't do too bad. Poor Tina (#05) only had one run the entire shift. Her take home, not including tip, was about $8. "Crazy" Brian (#11) packed it in early, leaving just ONE-NINE, TMR (#27) and a new driver, Jason (#21). I knew I was far ahead of both of them on the meter and pulled myself out of the line-up to give them a fighting chance to earn something for the night. Sadly I didn't miss much.
Only one short "pu-pu" during the quiet hours.
Prim (#22) checked in extremely early, shortly after 3:15am. A new day Driver, Wally (#05) was on-board by 4:00am and Flor (#27) was ready by 4:15am. Our next scheduled run wasn't until 6:00am, so I called "pau hana". Home by 4:30am.
If you get the chance, drop my best friend, Judy, an e-mail today and wish her a Happy Birthday. I think she'll get a kick out of it. Wouldn't you?***
Fear of Friday the 13th, paraskavedekatriaphobia.Since my birthday is on the 13th, this is something I don't suffer from. Also
I gently accept the graciousness of your presence here. Please return often.Aloha
Statute Of King Kamehameha I

"Let's all be careful out there!"