Alissa & me at Sarentos on the Beach in the late winter of 2004. Now you can see why I wear a hat and beard.

Ever wonder where the writers of Star Trek - TNG came up with the Captain's last name? On this day in 1931 Piccard and Knipfer made the first balloon assent into the Earth's stratosphere. That same Piccard also made the first dive to the deepest part of the ocean at a different time. A true explorer who "went where no one has gone before."10 years later, today, the British sank the German battleship Bismark. You may have seen the movie on late night television.
That box on top of your TV that allows connection between it and the cable company's feed may be phased out. Which will mean one less remote control to lose.***
Do/did you like to Par-Tay? Been to some really wild ones I bet. But could they be as wild as our ancesters had?***
Ever had plumbing problems at your place? They never seem to occur during normal business hours do they? Usually at night or over a long weekend when nobody is available. Think of what the crew on the ISS must be experiencing, in zero-G no less. Yuck.***
It does have a bulge around it's middle. So how much does our galaxy, the Milky Way, weigh?***
A new entry for my LLDE file.***
Oh, that French attempt to set the world skydiving record has been put on hold. His balloon left without him.
Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"