~ Jessica ~
One Of Last Night's FaresOne year ago today, I made a
post about Paris Hilton peeing in the back of cab #25. Bob, over at
Taxi Tales, commented that I should create a cab-blog. Thanks, Bob.
Back then the name of this site was
Reflections Of My Mind and was a place where I would post stuff that was basically of interest only to me. The actual starting date of this blog was Monday, November 10, 2003.
My first post was:
I wonder how I adjust the time to reflect it correctly?
posted by wil at 14:04
Those pre-cab-blog archives still exist, but I don't include them in the
Paradise Driver Morgue drop-down menu.
I've put a bunch of different counters/trackers here over the last year, and removed most of them, but only use three now.
Site Meter and
The first one was installed on April 4, 2006. The second on April 10, 2006 and the third on April 11, 2006. Each use different criteria for the reports.
As of this moment,
Stat Counter says that I have had 32,039 page loads and24,231 unique visitors, from 81 countries.
Over this past year, I have come to consider many of you as friends. Though we will probably never meet, I am interested in the stories of your life and the glimpses of your little part of the world. I hope you feel the same about what I have shared.
I think I have only missed posting on a daily basis twice in the last 365 days. That is one hell of a lot of words and pictures. Sometimes I struggle, trying to find something/anything that might be entertaining for you.
Let's see what the next year brings!
*** *** ***
Last night broke the typical pattern that Tuesdays have been in for oh so long. I actually made money. While I only did 11 runs, 2 were to OGG and 1 to Ma'alaea Harbor.. It was a bit tight this morning. We had 2 cabs on and 9 reservations between 5a and 5:45a. Other day drivers began filing in during that 45 minute period and we covered everything. We were never late but on a few of them we weren't early either. I stayed on until 7:00am, putting in a full 12 hour shift. I am bushed and headed for bed.
The most interesting person of the night was Jessica (above) and the details of her ride are secret. She is cute though, isn't she?
I hope Cupid finds the "bulls-eye" in each of your hearts today. Thanks for dropping by. Lets meet again tomorrow, okay?


"Let's all be careful out there!"