I went home with three dollars more than I started my night with.
And we'll just leave it at that.
Found the following videos at youTube.
They were created by FreonPete.
I don't know this individual but he is very good and the videos are excellent!
View From Maui - part 1
View From Maui - part 2
View From Maui - part 3
View From Maui - part 4
View From Maui - part 5
The Great Sugar Cane Heist - Maui
Paradise Is In Your Eyes
Mr. Green Seaturtle
Along what is called Mau'i's "northshore"
are beaches for board surfing, windsurfing and kite surfing.
Oh, you can just sunbathe if you desire.
Technically, the "northshore" isn't really the true north shore of Mau'i.
It is the north shore of the larger south section of Mau'i.
Check the maps on the side bar. The "northshore" runs from Kahului east past Pa'ia and down towards Huelo.
are beaches for board surfing, windsurfing and kite surfing.
Oh, you can just sunbathe if you desire.
Technically, the "northshore" isn't really the true north shore of Mau'i.
It is the north shore of the larger south section of Mau'i.
Check the maps on the side bar. The "northshore" runs from Kahului east past Pa'ia and down towards Huelo.

"Let's all be careful out there!"