80% ENTERTAINMENT BY VOLUMEIn a last minute 11th hour attempt to save the Mississippi 1st Congressional District from falling into their enemy's hands, Republicans resurrected "Dirty Dick" Cheney from his hidden secret bunker to be a keynote speaker
at some rally. They are hoping his speech will generate $120,000 in campaign donations. Of course $30,000 of that must go to cover the cost of having Cheney appear. The political tide is turning against the neocons and they are scrambling.
The death toll in yesterday's earthquake has risen to
at least 10,000 known fatalities. And they've just started recovering bodies. In one school at least 900 children were killed when their brick school house collapsed. Millions of survivors have only the clothing on their back.
This should be a wake-up call to those of you living in the mid-west. If another New Madrid quake occurs most of your homes, schools and offices will suffer the same fate. Because most of these structures are comprised of brick. A building material that fares very poorly when the solid Earth isn't so solid. There are retrofits available that are very practical. Look into it. The historic New Madrid quakes were about 80 times stronger that what China hit yesterday. Think about it.
Well, Dubya leaves today for his
"spring break" trip to the middle-east. I wonder if he'll also stop over in Iraq to check out those
reports on corruption there? Maybe he hasn't received his "finders fee" yet. At least it'll keep him out of Mississippi. I may have missed it but I can't recall him being asked by any candidate to assist in a campaign this year. Can you?
Microsoft is
going into competition with Google Sky. They have launched
Worldwide Telescope. I have just started playing with it. The images are in some form of 3-D. Looks kewl.
Finally, in case you've forgotten, West Virginia holds their primary election today. But none of us really care anymore. Do we?
Thanks for stopping in. I always appreciate the time you spend here.
I'll be back later with more. Have a great day, okay.

Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"