Any night that starts with a Moon-rise as beautiful as this can't be all bad.
Sat around for about 40 minutes before I had my first fare. A trip to Sansei, out of Wailea, with an older Filipino couple. As I cleared, I was assigned a pickup just 4 doors away, at Hirohatchi, back to Wailea. A young couple from Japan. Thats what we call a "bounce back". Basically a roundtrip but composed of two separate fares.
I had a "special" about 9:15pm, bringing my first fare back from Sansei. About 45 minutes later , run #4 took me from Sarentos to the Four Seasons, A foursome from SoCal and Phoenix.
Then things started improving, a little. Sent to Lulu's, with no further info. A guy hops in and off we go to the harbor in Kahului. A crew member of Pride Of Hawaii
Then nothing, for almost 2 hours.
The "Triangle" was a ghosttown.
"Where are we headed?"Not the run I was assigned but I had no intention of kicking them out. Advised dispatch to send another unit. TMR picked up the Wailea folks. Two runs in less than 2 minutes from one bar caused Kimo to cruise through that area of the "Triangle". Sure enough, he snagged a "flag" to the harbor also.
"The ship."
As I cleared the ship, I was sent over to Maui Memorial Medical Center, "triple em cee". A lady needing to get back to central Kihei. Another "bounceback"!
The phone never rang once during the "dog watch".
Flor was the first day cab in at 4:30am
My final fare was a sweet young lady from San Francisco, on her first visit to Mau'i. Took her to KBR (Kihei Boat Ramp). She was going diving at Molokini.
About 2/3rds of the way down the right side of the pic you can see some lights on the horizon
Outside of Star Market.
I forgot there is a barber shop there.
While I only had 9 runs the entire shift, 5 were very good, 3 were great and 1 was a pupu. Unlike Tuesday night, everyone was extremely generous in their gratuities.***
Thank you for coming by.Its nice to know that someone, besides me, reads this.
I'll be back tomorrow. I hope you will be too.

"Let's all be careful out there!"