.......~ Moonset ~
....... ~The Cove ~
An attractive 29 year old woman from Denver, CO USA, she had been here for a week. Staying with a guy she had met in one of Colorado's ski resorts this past winter. He had paid for her airfare, roundtrip.
As her week wore on, this "handsome stranger" turned out to not quite be the "Prince" she sought. By yesterday, their relationship had soured to the point of him bringing her back to the condo after 5 minutes of the trip to the airport. He didn't want to spend that additional 20 minutes in her company. Which is where I came in.
The first mile or so there were some soft, quiet sobs from the back of ONE-NINE. Then she received a call from what sounded like a girlfriend.
You ladies sure don't mince words, when sharing the details of a failed romance. Do you? Guys don't delve that deep. Ever!
When the call was over I offered the following analogy to her:
"Guys are like movies.She sat quietly for a moment .
The film often isn't as interesting
As the "trailer" that enticed you."
"I had never thought of it like that.She asked for, and received, a BIG >HUG< when I left her at Departures.
In fact, that is the best analogy I've ever heard."
And I give these truisms away for free.
I think people are pacing themselves, this long three day weekend. The bars were active, but everyone seemed to be tranquil. Thats rare.I only covered 10 runs, 2 of those during the "dog watch". Things pretty much dried up at 11p. As typical, wherever any one is, at 11p, is probably where they'll stay until just prior to bar close.
Prim (#22) in at 3:35a.
Wally (#05) in at 3:45a.
I was at my front door shortly after 4a. Looking forward to my days off.
Please be extra careful this Memorial Day weekend.
Do like me.
I drive under the premise that every vehicle out there:
- Is being driven by a drunk.
- Talking on a cell phone.
- Fighting with the kids and/or companion.
- Lost
Back tomorrow. Hope you'll drop by.
West Mau'i Mountains

"Let's all be careful out there!"