Jolted out of sleep, around noon, with a major lower GI problem. It never got better. Made it in to work and, after one small fare in Wailea, I had to go back home. It was 8:30 PM, I told dispatch that I would be back out about 1:00 AM to help with bar-close and cover the graveyard shift. I was functioning but not really functional. About 1:30 AM I am sent up to Ma'alaea for a run back to Kihei
Thats a good one!
When I made the pick-up, I found out that it was actually a round trip. Thats double good!!
Had two more in-town fares in the 3 o'clock hour. Turned over the phone and reservation sheet to the day-shift and was home by 4:30 AM. Feeling like I had been ridden hard and put away wet.So, considering relativity, I actually had a good night.
4 fares / 71 miles / 4th quarter below $100 bracket
Some interesting items in the ol' e-mail bag this week. And everybody have a good one!

Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"