How hard is it to figure out when your exterior lights are supposed to be on? Everytime I go through, I tell the shift manager that not only are the exterior lights off but so is the menu board. It hasn't done one bit of good. Feces occurs.
The first 3 runs I had were of my own making (and luck). The radio was dead for Wailea calls, where I was stuck. 8:30 PM a lady walks up to me at The Shops and asks to be taken next door to a resort. Only $4.40 but it broke the ice for the night and she gave me $10 and "keep the change".As soon as 9:00 PM arrived, I moved into Kihei, where I knew there had to be some people at the "Triangle". By 9:16 PM I had another shorty "flag", a regular going home. Then my cell rang and it was one of my regulars needing a ride home from work, at a Wailea resort, to Maui Meadows, a sub-division located just east of the Wailea/Kihei demarcation line. Then The Fates smiled on me and had another fare waiting just 2 streets away. My fisrt "radio" call. A roundtrip to a convenience store about 2 miles away.
Then it died. CSI: dead.
I had one bar-rush and then the same folks on my only bar-close.
The dog-watch brought a nice surprise. Some folks at MMMC (hospital) needing to get back to their Wailea resort. I had almost taken them to MMMC, earlier, but was canceled when the resort security decided an ambulance would be more practical. When I picked them up she was walking as if she were a hand puppet being performed. I asked where they were from, he responded and the conversation died right there. The resort paid for the cab.
8 fares / 90 miles / 1st quarter $100 bracket
It rained yesterday. I didn't realize that until I opened my door to head for work. No wind nor downpours, just a nice soft steady rain. Of course that does explain why I was pretty well crippled up in muscular and skeletal pain until almost 9:00 PM. When the rain stopped.
A friend of mine, who manages one of the 4 restauants at The Shops, told me that their bookings for next week are doubled. That means that either the visitor count will be going up or there are some free-spending "groups" showing up. Hope some of that spills over to us. We could sure use it.
I am off to bed, still "achy sore" all over. Everyone have a fantastic day. Hope to see you tomorrow.

Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"