I made money but we weren't in any way, shape or form, busy.
Logged in and advised dispatch that I had a 7:30 PM special, taking the two young loverlys (^above^) down to Spago's for dinner Slowly cruising north and they called to tell me that they were running a tad bit late and would I come get them at 7:45 PM instead. Advised dispatch that I was available for any short runs that might come in. My phone rings again and its an employee out at the Seawatch Restaurant, on the Wailea Gold/Emerald Course, wanting to go to the "Triangle". Just the perfect time killer and a nice bonus on the night. Did his run and then theirs and I was now back in the Wailea queue. And just a short bit later I was headed to OGG. So, by 9:00 PM I was 40-cents short of $100 on the meter. The remainder of the shift was just pu-pus, up and down south Kihei Road. Bar close was a wet fizzle, 1 fare.
The dog-watch gave me 3 more, one of which was interesting.
Get a call for a far south end of Kihei address, going to Moose/Freds. Picked up shortly past 3:00 AM and 3 minutes later we were at the destination. He is talking to someone of his cell and then directs me to go to Matteos, in Wailea, instead. We were going to pick-up a couple of his friends at their condo next door to Matteos. Oops, that wasn't correct either. His friends are lost somewhere in Wailea, on foot. I take his cell and get their exact location. Turns out they were just at the intersection between Kea Lani and Mulligans. Party #2 climbs in the front seat and calls his brother, who had decided to walk, on the phone. Found him across from the Four Seasons. Then party #2 tells me to turn around and head north to Matteos.
"Mister. We are headed north and Matteos is less than a mile ahead."
"I guess we really are lost."
After some hemming and hawing I was finally able to decipher what condo they were staying at and which building in the complex. I have become very adept at understanding "tourist speak". As we pull up in front of their place, party #1 asks party #3 how it went with the girl he had met.
"Its 3 fucking thirty in the morning and I am sitting in a cab with you. How do you think it went? Asshole."
Which just about sums up the night.
13 fares / 118 miles / 1st quarter $200 bracket
My link to the web is working on a spotty basis. It is definitely the ISP causing all my headaches. Also, as you may have noticed, I figured out a tried and true American work-around to get my digital camera to function again. You don't even want to know. Whether it'll work tomorrow is anyones guess but I took some pics last night.
Its the weekend. I hope everyone has a great one. I believe that Oz is going to par-boil in their own sweat and most of mainland America is either being buried under snow (10 feet predicted for the Sierras today) and/or ice, about to be swept away by mud slides. Trying to figure out why they should dig out the drive (again) when there are still 35+ more blizzards lined up across the country and all the way back to Siberia. Its so cold in Florida that the iguanas are falling out of their trees. Yep. Winter is here.
With all that in mind. Enjoy today's Pics below.

Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"