The above images, plus the sunset in today's THE PICTURE GALLERY, were taken last week (3/11/08) by Judy's boyfriend, Richard. In the sunset pic he was able to capture a portion of the elusive "green flash" that is sometimes seen just as the last bit of the sun disappears below the horizon. It doesn't extend beyond the width of the sun and lasts just a fleeting moment. An eye-blink can cause you to miss it.
The whales will be departing over the next month. Headed back to Alaska and their krill feeding grounds. There are a multitude of reasons for people to visit Mau'i but I think seeing the humpbacks has to be among the "Top-5".
Went shopping with Judy yesterday evening. Bear was okay until I was ready to leave then he went into hissing mode again. Seems to have something to do with me getting ready to go outside. Also, I think there might be a female kitty in our area looking for boyfriends. This may be making him a bit "on edge". Until this past Monday, Bear has been the most docile of cats. When he became grumpy this evening, I just ignored him.***
5 years ago, about 9:00 AM (Washington time), the command was given by President G. W. Bush to invade Iraq. Almost 4,000 US troop deaths later, he will give a speech today at the Pentagon. Exalting the brilliance of his leadership. Even the most conservative of the media are finding difficulty in merging his reality with ours. A whole lot of stories.***
One of my favorite authors passed yesterday. Arthur C. Clarke was 90. A gifted science-fiction writer, most famous for 2001, A Space Odyssey. He conceived the use of geo-stationary satellites for global communication.Clarke, and his contemporaries, Asimov and Heinlein, were the best.
Hope each and every one of you has a beautiful day. See you tomorrow.Mahalo

Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"