Our new driver, Terry (#7) had his first night with the phone. Took it over at the normal 9p switch and
"S - C - O - R - E - D - !
It was the most active shift we've had since Labor Day. I was impressed. He never gave us any cause for concern. I told him so and also e-mailed the owner to express my pleasure. He did find his ass, contrary to the opinion I expressed here yesterday. I was 100% wrong.I never left the southside but I also didn't sit still for any significant length of time between fares.
"Prima-donna" (#18) was history by 8p and "Dipshit" (#09) was gone by 9p, leaving just "Maui Jim", the sole dayshift holdover. He hung in until almost 1:20a. Tina (#05), our night shift part-timer, probably had the best $$s of the night. She went to the airport, Wailuku and Ka'anapali. Thats in the vicinity of $200 on the meter and she also had a few decent "town" runs.
Wally (#05), my usual relief, is off today. He normally checks in at 4a and I make tracks for home. Had to wait until "Murph" exchanged ONE-NINE with me at 4:45a.
Other than my newlyweds, no fare was even interesting. Mundane routine runs. But there were a lot of them, compared to most nights this month.
Dispatch from home tonight. I guess I am a whore. I am only doing it for the extra money.
18 fares / 107 miles / 4th quarter $100 bracket
Maui County
(very good relief map)
(very good relief map)

"Let's all be careful out there!"