Grandma and new momma
Nora was about 4 weeks early and weighed in at 5 lbs 1 oz. (2.3 kg), 17 inches (43.2 cm) long. Blue eyes and blond hair. It was a protracted natural delivery. I think Nora was just making sure her hair and makeup were "just right" and the poor child "just couldn't find anything to wear". We all know that ladies must look their absolute best when making their "Grand Debut".
Mother and daughter are doing pretty good. Leah is getting her last few days of good sleep, for the next 20 years or so, and Nora is staying in a very posh incubation crib for a while, just for safety's sake. Should be coming home in just a bit over a week from now.
Alissa has promised to send me pictures as soon as she can and I, of course, will share them when they arrive.
Now here is the strange thing:
I was in the process of writing an e-mail to Princess, inquiring about the baby and its due date, when the text message alert sounded on my cell phone. It was Alissa, telling me that Nora had been born and that she would call me later. Ain't that a kick in the head?
Alissa was all excited. She is now an Aunt (Auntie Lissie). I called Ron and Susan (Grandma and Grandpa) about 9:00 pm, their time, and gave them my congratulations and asked them to send my love to Leah, Pete and Nora. This is their first grandchild and I could feel the joy just beaming from Ron over the phone connection.
Life is wonderful!
*** *** ***
Does anyone else see the irony?President Dubya goes to Mississippi to see how the recovery from Katrina is going. He chose an area near where he told us all how he was going to enjoy sitting on Sen. Lott's front porch, sipping mint juleps when the gulf coast was rebuilt. No, he didn't go to New Orleans. Even though the most devastation and loss of life occurred in N.O., it just isn't looking pretty enought for a Presidential photo-op. Then those pesky tornadoes hit Georgia, among other States, and an unfortunate event like that was ripe for the picking for the lame duck opportunist. I think if I was in Enterprise, Georgia, having the Prez tell me that FEMA was there to help, would cause me to become an illegal alien in Mexico. Lets face it. The Mexican Army did more to help in the first days following Katrina than FEMA did in months.
You're doing a great job, Georgie.
Bubba Burgers

"Let's all be careful out there!"