While I only did 9 runs the entire shift, I drove 166 miles and surpassed the $1.50 per mile average that I should generate.
No interesting fares but everyone was very laidback. That makes for a pleasant, albeit boring, night.
I did make a video on the way back from Lahaina, my last trip of the shift. I was going to post it now but Blogger/Blogspot has been screwing with my site and it took so long to fix that I'll do them up tomorrow.
Besides, Bear wants me to go to bed.

CharterJames - Jim sent me an e-mail saying he was discontinuing his blog and he has taken it off-line.
The Life And Times Of Holly & Scolly - Access to this blog is now by invitation only. Restricted to family and friends.
Dublin Taxi - A new cab-blog from Dublin, Ireland.
I am a complete asshole according to my late night pissed pasengers. By day I am an utter gent.Which is why I work days only.
Taxi Parisien - A cab-blog from Paris, France
Cathy's Rants And Ramblin's - Formerly named "arthritis rants", I have had arthritis for more than 25 years. I recently had "total knee replacement" and I need an outlet for some of my frustration. I also have many interests, besides arthritis, that I will post about... All poems and stories are owned and copyright, by the author of this BLOG, unless otherwise stated. All names and dates ( Some people, places and events)of personal stories, have been changed to give my family privacy. comments are welcome.
Helen's Blog - There isn't that much to say, really. I live in England, and go to school,and, well that's about it! Brought up in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, and remain here to this day. And now, I am here to share my thoughts and stories with you!
Just One - Some Women, Some Cameras, Just One (that's our story, and we're sticking to it) beverage. Shake. Serve with twist of venting, crying, bitching, and laughing-laughing-laughing. Men Welcome. Buy us all the drinks you want, but we still won't sleep with you. Probably.

"Let's all be careful out there!"