Just like everyone else, I really enjoy my days off. I hibernate. Its not that I hate people, but after being in as intimate contact as I am with so many people during my shifts, I need my "quiet time". To be really good at this job you must be an actor. Your "stage" is the interior of your cab. You get "up-close and personal" with your audience. If your "performance" is outstanding, the people reward you with money rather than applause. Sometimes its a tough house that you play to. How many stage performers do 10-40 shows a night? You are always "on". The closest approximation are the "street performers" that most large metropolitan areas have.
I woke up yesterday more tired than I was when I laid down. I had to really dig deep and tap that area of internal fortitude to go in to work. My brain and body protested the entire night. Yes, I had the phone and I will freely admit that my performance as a dispatcher really sucked. After about three hours of screwing up, royally, I offered the phone to any other driver and was met with absolute silence. There is the old adage that "you get what you pay for" and my associates got their ration of "free" dispatching last night.
Even though my technical act was the "pits", my "one man show" was outstanding and I lucked into three out-of-town roadshows. Over the years, I have honed my routine into shows running from 5 minutes to 45 minutes in length. After establishing our destination, I raise the curtain on my production. Each performance always starts with the opening line, "Where are you folks from?"
Well, right now I am taking my act off to the "land of nod". Catch ya later.

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"Let's all be careful out there!"