Well, cut that by 50% for last night. The difference between the day and night shifts were dramatic. It was 6:10p before the owner could make it to my place and drop off the phone and radio. His wife transferred the line 2 minutes later. And everything died. I watched a lot of TV, waiting for calls. Oh, there wasn't one interesting program on any of the 78 channels I receive. Not one. At 1:45a, Kimo picked up the phone and portable to deliver them to Eric, the guy who covers the dog-watch on my days off. He drives ONE-NINE. So, with the late start and early finish, I only logged 7.5 hours.
Absolutely nothing in this weeks e-mail bag.
Everyone enjoy your new week.
Europe went back on Standard Time yesterday. The USA (excluding Hawai'i and Arizona) does it next Sunday at 2a. I don't know about Canada or Mexico. On the flip side of the equator, I have no idea of when their time changes occur. I would presume that it is similar.
Maybe someone could educate me. I am too tired to "Wiki" it at the moment.
Hope to see you tomorrow. I am going to Judy's for some charred animal flesh tonight and my first true meeting with her new beau.

"Let's all be careful out there!"