Watched my one "Must See" show, HEROES, last night and then passed out on the couch. Awoke just enough at 2:30a to trundle myself off to bed and slept until well after 8a this morning. Still have some laundry to do and try to get a nap in before work tonight. Let's face it, 5a Wednesday morning, when my shift ends, is still a looonnnggg ways away. Bear, my kitty, was really pissed that his breakfast was late. He also learned, the hard way, that attacking "daddy's" feet while he is sleeping is a dangerous proposition. I can NOT be held responsible for involuntary reactions of my body when someone is driving nails into my feet. Really, I can't.
This is my good friend, Van (Maui Action Photos) riding the wave at "Da Rush". If you do visit Mau'i and want some great photos of your activities, just give him a call or drop him an e-mail. He is really a great guy and will make your visit here very enjoyable.

Back to work tonight. Now we'll see just how slow it can get
See ya in the morning.

"Let's all be careful out there!"