All because I didn't have a working headset.
Losing the use of one hand, to take calls, was disabling. The other problem was where to put the cell phone when not in use. Normally it would stay in my shirt pocket, where it was out of my way. I tried that for awhile but it kept getting caught up with my pens when I tried to answer a call. Finally kept it in a cup-holder by the ashtray or lying on my thigh, when plugged into the charger.
Not a bad night. There were no pending reservations, so we were running strictly from call-ins. Call volume was evenly paced the entire night and, almost, never exceeded the availability of cabs.
Not BUSY but steady.
The only "crunch" period was bar close. Received a call from Bada Bings for a gentleman going to Wailea and dispatched #25 (Hardin). He picks up to the harbor in Kahului, instead. Send the next cab, #11 ("Crazy" Brian) and he picks up to the harbor too. Okay, the next cab up is #27 (TMR). Yup, he snared a harbor run also. That left only ONE-NINE. I got the guy going to Wailea and then fielded almost every other request for the next hour. As each of the other drivers returned to Kihei they were dispatched to a pending fare. By 2:15a, the last of the calls were completed. Then the phone never rang again. Passed some decent reservations on to the day-shift and made it home about 5a.
For a change, my brain is more flustered than fried. I am expectedly tired but not burnt-out this morning. Thats different.
No outrageous drunks. No attitudes. No mad brawls.
A strange Friday.
Covered 17 runs and had a decent meter. I was the only driver to not leave town but I can live with that.
I finally have 90 flags listed below my banner.The ones that will most likely be the hardest to get a hit from will be:
Also, any of the island nations of the Pacific Basin. If you know anyone who lives in a country not represented, please ask them to stop by so I can include them.
One more shift to go.I hope everyone has a pleasant weekend.
Stop back again when you have the time.
Little Beach

"Let's all be careful out there!"