Started raining again about noon yesterday and it was a heavy, steady downpour for the next 12 hours. Between 7:00pm and 9:00pm it was a windless monsoon.
South Kihei Road flooded in it's usual low spots. The pics below were taken from the FOODLAND parking lot, looking south. That's "LAB" ("Life's A Beach") on the corner of the "Triangle."

Move a half block to the east and this is the back parking lot, behind Kahale's, at the "Triangle."

These shots were taken around midnight, about 3 hours after the heavy rain.
During the peak of the flooding I watched some kid, riding a "boogie board", being pulled down S. Kihei Road by a 4x4, riding the bow wave.
LAB had to sandbag their main entrance after flood waters entered their bar. They never did close though. However, Neptune's and Kahale's were forced to close due to inundation. During the peak flooding, that back lot had over 2 feet of flowing water in it at it's highest point. Over 4 feet at it's lowest. In fact, the water escaping out of that lot onto the street looked like a spillway on a dam.
We had four major areas of flooding. In front of the "Triangle". A mile north from there, between Marco's restaurant and Chevron. A half mile north of that, by the Mau'i Sunset condos. And 2 miles further north, near the junction of the Mokulele Highway and S. Kihei Road. In all the locations the water was between 3 and 5 feet deep.
Also had a bunch of stranded motorists. These idiots seemed to think that they could "keep on truckin'" at 30mph through the flooded areas. Each one had their car's electrical system shorted out. The tow trucks stayed busy for hours.
It is possible to drive through this (sometimes there just isn't an option), but only at a 1-2mph crawl. Don't create a bow wave!!
By 3:00am all of the flooding had drained off.
It just keeps going up. I thought crude oil prices were dropping?

The "pineapple express" is now in effect.
Poor California, especially the Bay Area, is going to have one hell of a rough time.
"Let's all be careful out there!"