My first fare of the shift was a total fluke. One cab had been assingned a Wailea-OGG. Turns out there were 8 people, not 6, and he needed a second cab. 8 people means one hell of a lot of luggage. The dispatcher queries whether ONE-NINE, I was next up in the queue, would be adequate or was another van necessary. Luckily, ONE-NINE would suffice. I picked up one nice lady and three stair-step brothers, all pre-teen and a stroller. The initial cab also had four people and was stuffed to the headliner with luggage. A half-hour of pleasant chat and back to Wailea.As soon as I arrived in Kihei, I was assigned a trip from the far north-end of town to the far south-end.
Followed this with a pu-pu in Wailea.
At 9:00p I took over the phone and by 9:30p I had charge of 5 cabs. We normally start moving out of Wailea around 9:30p as the focus of activity shifts to Kihei. Just as I enter Kihei, and was "#1 up" in town, I received a request from MOF (Maui Oceanfront Inn). 2 people headed across the island to Wailuku. A nice early 20's couple from the border of northwest California and Oregon, who have lived here for about 3 months. Eagerly anticipating the arrival of their car next week from the mainland. He was politely quiet and she was a chatterbox.
Our 2 casual night drivers bailed by 11:30p and the 3 of us remaining stayed busy with bar rush fares.
Right at the end of the bar close portion of the night I get a flag from the "Triangle", headed to Wailuku. A sales rep from the "spirits industry". About half-way, near Waikapu, to his home he asks me to pull to the shoulder when I had an opportunity. He didn't sound stressed nor in discomfort but, as ALL cabbies know, when you are asked to "pull over" you are there and stopped in less than 2 heartbeats. He stepped out and walked about 10 feet away and puked his guts out for almost 5 minutes. Returned to ONE-NINE, thanked me and we continued the remainder of the journey, without incident.
Best "PUKER" I've ever had.
Rounded out the night with 2 dog-watch runs. Home just at 5:00a.
12 fares / 162 miles / 3rd quarter $200 bracket
Everyone enjoy your weekend.One more night to go. Talk to you after work tomorrow.
In Kihei
In Kihei

"Let's all be careful out there!"