Maybe, just maybe, the Congress will repeal this law. The concept of a National ID is abhorant
7.5 billion years ago, 3 billion years before our star, the Sun, was even born, a gigantic star collapsed. Triggering the brightest flash since the "Big Bang" in our Universe. For a brief moment on the 19th, it was the furthest into space that could be seen without the aid of a telescope. It also produced a GRB (Gamma Ray Burst). There were 4 other GRB's that day, the most ever recorded in a single cycle. That was also the day that Arthur C. Clarke died. BTW - 7.5 billion years is halfway to the edge of the Universe.***
In February of 2006, Aloha Airlines pulled itself out of bankruptcy. The next 2 years brought a third major air carrier into the State (go!, a subsidiary of Mesa) to compete with them and Hawaiian Airlines. Yesterday, Aloha filed for bankruptcy again.***
Maui hotel occupancy rates dropped almost 5%, compared with the same week last year. That okay. The average room rate for the same period grew by 7.2%. Fewer people spending more to do less. Which is why all the restaurants and assorted visitor activities are sharply cutting back on their overhead (i.e. lay-offs).***
Checked on that insurance payment I have been expecting from Prudential. The check has been issued and should go into the mail on Monday or Tuesday. Then add another 3-5 days to get here from Philly. In my initial conversation with them they stated that it would take 12-15 days to process. The operative word that they forgot to mention was that they meant 12-15 business days. Then add 3 days for the check to clear after deposit. At least it is on the way (I hope).***
I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter tomorrow.Mahalo

Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"