Maui Meadows
I haven't been outside, in daylight, in a very long time. Even with sunglasses on, it hurt.
Wailea Lookout
Went "10-1" (starting shift) about 5:20pm and shortly afterwards had a pu-pu, in town. One hour into the shift I had my first Wailea-OGG run. The round trip is about one hour and on return I just sat, for another hour, before I covered a "special" that I had arranged the prior night for a south central Kihei to OGG.
Wailea Lookout
When I got back to Kihei, I did an Azeka to north Kihei trip. A worker from Stella Blue's headed home.
Wailea Lookout
Half an hour later I picked up one of our regulars and took him to the "Triangle". He is habitually drunk. I have never seen him sober, ever. He was already past the point of intoxication, where bartenders are required to refuse service, when he got in ONE-NINE. He could talk and he could listen but he could not do both at the same time. As long as he has a fist full of "greenbacks" he'll have no trouble being served. At least he has been indoctrinated to use a cab rather than driving himself.
After that my body went into shutdown mode. I was tired. The "Triangle" had little activity and the dispatches had ground to a stop, so I called it a night and was home before 11:00pm
While the extra bucks weren't as much as I had hoped for, it still added to the rent envelope.
Princess Leah and Queen Nora have started a blog called The Swarty Family. I have had a link to it on the sidebar for awhile now. Lots of great baby pictures.***
William (Bill) B., from Littleton, CO, USA recently sent me an e-mail:Wil,We live in Littleton, CO, south of Denver. My wife grew up in Kahului and my mother in law still lives in the same house. Also have 2 sis in laws in Haiku. We got married up in Makawao at St Joseph's and reception at the burned out :( Pukulani Country Club restaurant. We get back about every two years - next trip will be January or February of 2008 so we can go whale watching.Can I contribute any photos from Hawaii to your blog? I have a nice digital SLR and have some nice ones.Bill
These first 4 pics in today's
are courtesy of Bill and he gets a big
from me.He said he will contribute more down the road.
Thanks, Bill
I forgot to ask for permission to use his last name, so I haven't.
Big Island Sunset
Kula Lodge
Tedeschi Winery
The Beach At The Maui Prince
Red Tailed Tropic Bird

"Let's all be careful out there!"