EVANGELICAL CHURCHES HAVE NO CENTER AISLE?Because nobody wants to sit on the "left"!Both major Presidential candidates have had difficulty with
religious leader endorsements this year. So, is the power of the "church," as a political "mover & shaker", on the wane? 8 years ago, Dubya made major headway in his campaign when he received the backing of a celebrity conservative church leader. Which caused all the rest of the jackals to fall in line. This time around both leading contenders are very close to the center and neither seek nor accept the support of the fringe elements. Remember, Freedom of Religion includes the tenet of Freedom
from Religion. Thats why we have the separation of Church and State in our Constitution.
I see that "fearless leader" is going to join the
campaign fund raising circuit of rubber chicken dinners to aid McCain. He has scheduled appearances in Arizona and Utah that will be closed to the media. And he won't, at this time, be appearing with McCain. They probably chose those two states because those are the only places where they can gather enough people to make the events profitable.
The latest prediction out of China is the death toll will
exceed 80,000. Do I have any bids for 100,000? Going once, going twice.
Major airlines across the globe are
joining American Airlines with a $15 fee for the first piece of checked luggage. Whether it sticks is another question. The traveling public might just object strongly enough to cause an early demise. There has been no announcement if
Amtrak or
Greyhound Bus plan to follow suit.
Clinton has claimed that she is the candidate that can deliver the votes in the "big" States, but a new
LA Times/KTLA poll shows that the electorate in that State favor Obama.
The only way Hillary will take the nomination will be by skullduggery and that would alienate so many people that McCain would be a shoe-in.
One of the predicted effects of Global Warming is the acidification of the oceans. Latest studies show this is now occuring along the Pacific coast of North America.
50 years sooner than anyone had anticipated. If it gets strong enough I wonder if I could market it as the
LATEST in exfoliate treatment?
Enjoy your holiday weekend. Thank you for coming by. I'll be back later with more.
Drive very, very carefully.

Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"