A 5.2 earthquake struck the southeast area of Illinois, near the southwest Indiana border this morning at 4:36:58 AM CDT (9:36:58 AM UTC). No damage or injuries has been reported. The epicenter was located quite a distance north of the famed New Madrid area.
If you reside within 500-600 miles of that part of the country, please click here and file a simple report about what you felt, or didn't feel. It helps determine the total area affected.
There was another temblor in this area in 1968 that measured 5.4 on the open ended Richter Scale.
You will probably read a lot of news stories about today's quake being a 5.4 also. That was the preliminary report but the USGS sifts through all the data to precisely define what occured and will update the info as the computers eat up the input.
To be honest, in California and Japan, a 5.2 wouldn't even interrupt your daily activity or radically disturb your sleep.
As with any earthquake, there have been some aftershocks, including one that measured 4.6. Most have been in the low to mid 2 range. Which is right on the threshold of being felt.

Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"