Or at least, that what all the brewers and distillers would have us believe.
South of the border, Cinco de Mayo is a minor regional celebration, focused mainly in La Ciudad de Puebla.
You have to give credit to marketers, in the US, for turning this day into the second biggest "non-holiday" in the States.
The night started slow and shifted into high gear about 9:30pm. From then on, all 4 cabs were swamped.
For me, I had a great start and then had to deal with the inconvenience of a dead battery, which took less than an hour to rectify. I was quietly "cursing the fates" though.
Three very interesting fares last night.
The first was also my first run of the night. A gentleman from Germany on a mission of mercy for his wife, who was having trouble sleeping. The 13 hour time shift had skewed her circadian clock something wicked. I took him to Safeway, where he purchased some OTC pills for sleeping. We discussed the different secular and non-military holidays that our countries celebrate. Apparently the American concept of "Halloween" is gaining acceptance in Europe, with the aid of their confectionary industry. Naturally, the kids are the marketing target and we all know how hard it is to resist a child's desire. Who doesn't relish the gleam in kids eyes when they get to dress up in costume and have complete strangers give them sweets and whatnot.
The second interesting run was after "bar close". Picked up two guys from MOF and took them to the Sunset. While both of them were married, their welcomed advances on two ladies from Canada turned sour when their "bedroom talk" shifted from saying "sweet-nothings" to politics.
While "politics may make strange bedfellows", tonight all these guys walked away with was a closing door that didn't quite hit them in the ass. One even tried to wrap his failure of conquest in a patriotic cloak by stating "I could never screw a woman who hates America".
Yeah, right.
Male egos are so fragile, they always have to rewrite and justify their failures.
Word to the wise, guys:
If at first, you don't succeed.
Destroy all evidence you even tried
The third was a "threesome" that I took to Kahului, about an hour before "bar close".
The drunk male in the front seat spent the entire trip telling me why he was a drug and alcohol abuser. He made the most prothetic statement:
"I am weak, man. I am a fucking addict. I wish I could stop."
I made a couple of suggestions as to where he could get help, but they fell on deaf ears. He is obviously on an ever steepening downhill slide and is not far from the point of self-destruction.
Oh, well. Feces Occurs.
When we reached their home, I switched on the domelight and turned to awaken the male and female in the back seat. They were both passed out. His pants were down around his knees and his flacid penis was resting in the comatose female's mouth. Her skirt was above her waist. There was nothing beneath it.
Neither, thank goodness, had accomplished their mission. I doused the domelight, pulled forward about 5 feet and hit the brakes real hard. Then announced in a loud voice "Here we are!"
Waited about 10 seconds and then turned the domelight back on.
The addict started giving them his very graphic opinion of their actions. I just sat there quietly and was finally paid.
Yes, I did briefly consider taking a pic, but my "personal code of ethics" kicked in immediately.
Ever since HBO's series "Taxicab Confessions", people's public mores have definately shifted a couple of notches.
Finished the shift with a trip to OGG.
It was a very profitable night.
My friend and former associate, Robert P., sent an e-mail informing me of the recent passing of his mother.
He asked for, and was given, permission to use a modified version of my Makena Sunset photo for a memorial card.
With my deepest condolences to him and his family, here is his rendition:

My friend, Van, who owns Mau'i Action Photos (link on sidebar) dropped some new pics in my "in-box" recently. Here are a couple of shots and I will share more of them as the week passes.

"Let's all be careful out there!"