Today, the 3rd of March is known in Japan and Hawai'i as "Girl's Day". While the traditions of the past are maintained, It has also become the day when the Japanese celebrate all women's birthdays. A variation on America's consolidation of Washington and Lincoln birthdays into an all encompassing "President's Day". Saves on all that effort and wasted time of celebrating the individual. and focusing on the masses.
There is a corresponding Boy's Day (男の子の日 [Tango-no-Sekku]) on May, 5th of each year.
*** *** ***
I went into work, took over the phone, made some dispatches for about 90 minutes, was sick 3 times and decided it just wasn't worth it. I had actually woken up feely lousy but thought that I could just muscle mt way through the night. Obviously, I couldn't. Bought a 2-liter bottle of Sprite, hoping that I might be able to keep it down, on the way home.We'll give it the old college try tomorrow.
Oh, it was very, very slow. No reservations and I never got a run. It took those 90 minutes to move from 6th up to 1st up.
Thanks for the visit.
Talk to y'all tomorrow.
Fern Grotto

"Let's all be careful out there!"