You folks probably know more about today's earthquake than I do.
Cell phone service stayed up but we lost all electricity about 30 seconds after the first temblor. Not from any damage to anything, just an automatic shutdown to prevent prevent problems. It finally came back at 2:30pm and I just now got connected to the web.
The biggest problem was lack of communication. Every radio station on Mau'i went off the air. The only information was from KSSK radio, out of Honolulu, which focused on their market.
The quake hit about 7:08am. I would rate the magnitude at 5.5 at my house, which would correspond with the actual 6.6 measurement from about 100 miles away.
Poor Bear is still scared shitless.
Checked with Judy and she is okay.
Called my son about an hour after the quake to let him know that I was safe. It hadn't even made the news by that moment.
BTW - Since I am from California, trying to guess how strong an earthquake was is a normal reaction. I went through the Loma Prieta (October 17th 1989, World Series) quake and I was in El Lay when the Northridge (January 17th 1994) quake hit. This one didn't even hold a candle to those.
At this moment, there have been no reported deaths anywhere in the State.
Every island in the State did loose power. Honolulu (O'ahu) is experiencing the greatest problem from this.
Our airport is open and functioning. All United flights were cancelled, along with ione flight from ATA. All other airlines are still providing service, albeit delayed.
I was 5 minutes from making this morning's post and lost everything when the power went kaput. I'll recreate it shortly and try again.
Besides the disruption caused by the power failure, the front and back ways into Hana are closed. They are okay. They have power, telephones, cell service and cable functioning. You just can't get in or out.

"Let's all be careful out there!"