"Eh, brah. Whats the ambulance here for?"
"To sew your face back on when your ol' lady bitch slaps you for being stupid."
I had a "special" last night, taking Pat & Ray to dinner for his 75th birthday. They return to London on the 17th. About 30 minutes before I was to pick them up I got a fare to OGG out of Wailea. So I had TMR cover for me. I did do their return after dinner and they asked me not to send that cab for them again. They didn't have a problem with TMR but #27 is rapidly reaching the end of its cab-life. They were seriously concerned that they weren't going to complete the 1 mile journey to the restaurant. It has spent more time over the past couple of months in the repair shop than on the road. A couple of gazillion miles on the odometer and the lack of truly qualified mechanics on this hunk of rock. It shouldn't be around much longer. It is the last of our Chevy Astrovans.
We haven't set the time yet but I'll be taking them to dinner on Valentine's Day.
The mobile radio in #14 went on the fritz. Which was a real pain, as I was dispatching. Had to scramble to get a portable radio. Until I did, I was taking calls and then having to call another driver to broadcast the assignment. That raises the tension level between the shoulder blades. I know what the problem is and sent an e-mail to the owner advising him. 10 minutes in the radio shop will fix it. That is, whenever we can get it in.
No thats not thunder. Just me grumbling very loudly.
For a Friday, things were quiet but better than the rest of the week has been. 1/3rd of my fares were "specials", so giving out my personal cell number is paying off. Every week I get more and more direct business, bypassing the dispatch system. Hey, whatever it takes to make a buck. Right? Also, 1/3rd of my fares were after bar close. Which kept me active on the dog-watch.
No obnoxious drunks, no pukers, no trouble makers. Over all, a decent shift.
12 fares / 142 miles / 4th quarter $100 bracket
One more night to go. Stop by tomorrow and see how it went.

Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"