INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULLFrom its opening on Thursday, through the 3-day Memorial Day holiday, it racked up $151,958,445 in ticket sales. Thats just in North America. Globally, its an estimated $312 million for just Friday, Saturday and Sunday (including the $127 million from North America those 3 days). Thats about what Bill Gates earned over the same period. Here are the
Top-20 films of this past weekend.
"Bond. James Bond."The creator of that long running literary and cinematic series, Ian Fleming, was born
100 years ago today. JFK once commented that Fleming was his favorite author.
The actor
(?) Sharon Stone has succeeded in doing something no one else has ever accomplished.
Pissing off 1 billion people with a single sentence. I wonder in the
Guiness Book of World Records has a category for that?
When White House Press Secretary, Scott McClellan, left his position in April 2006, our
(still) President Bush, at a press conference announcing McClellan's departure, said:
"One of these days, he and I are going to be rocking in chairs in Texas talking about the good old days of his time as the press secretary, And I can assure you, I will feel the same way then that I feel now, that I can say to Scott, job well done."
I wonder if
(still) President Bush will feel the same way after he reads
McClellan's new book. Which lays bare all of Bush's lies, skullduggery and any other two-bit "
mal" word you can assign. Another nail in Dubya's legacy.
Pentagon has announced that, in 2007, the number of solders diagnosed with
PTSD jumped roughly 50%.
I am very tired. Almost have everything sorted out for my move. A lot of emotions when opening boxes that have been shut away for years and finding a bit of nostalgia here and there. Thats where those forgotten pics came from yesterday.
I hope your day is productive and profitable. Thank you very much for the time you can spare to spend here. I do appreciate it. Back later with more. Until then...

Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"