It was Friday, my dispatch night. Tina and Hardin were both "no-shows" for the shift. The volume of calls was not overwhelming and I was able to manage the vast majority. The few we didn't cover was because the people didn't want to wait the normal 30 to 40 minutes that happens between 7:00pm and 9:00pm.
We had a new driver on nights. He has worked a few times during the day. I think he was totally awed by my rapid fire dispatching. I don't waste time. I speak very clearly and distinctly and you had best get the call the first time or I tend to be less nice as the shift grinds on. I am a bit suspicious of him though. I got the feeling he was picking up "flags" and not calling them in. This means he would not lose his place in the dispatch queue. That is flat ass cheating and stealing from the other drivers. TMR and I will keep an eye open for this. He also has a bad habit of failing to call in his pickups for dispatched runs too.
For me, the cab side of the shift was active. 16 fares and came within less than $20 of breaking $300 on the meter. April's rent is now covered plus dinner with Judy on Monday. Now I am saving up for her birthday (the 14th) dinner and gifts. Still working on this summer's vacation fund, also.
I'd write more but I am so tired that I am seeing double everything on the monitor.
Don't forget that tomorrow is "April Fools Day" and "Palm Sunday".
Thanks for coming by.
"May The Bird Of Paradise Fly Up Your Nose..."

"Let's all be careful out there!"