Thats me at 18½ years old. My high school graduation portrait. That was the third high school, in 3 States, that I had attended that school year. From one end of the country to the other. I had forgotten all about it until my Uncle Bob, married to my Mom's kid sister, sent me an e-mail yesterday with the URL of the family genealogy site he created. And there I was. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with my life, but I was seriously considering law enforcement. I had had 2 dates with my future wife (we married 19 months later) when this was taken. Little did I know what the Fates had in store for me.
The good news about last night is that I was able to make a reservation for Saturday night to take a nice couple, from London, to Chez Paul, a fancy French restaurant halfway between Kihei and Lahaina. Roy and Pat have been coming to Mau'i for many years and enjoy riding in our cabs. I think they enjoy the unique characters, myself included, who drive them. We are definitely a lot more "rough around the edges" than the cabbies they get in London. I think they enjoy the fact that we are very gregarious. Apparently the cabbies in London seldom engage them in conversation. Must be a cultural "thang".
5 runs were tourists and 3 were residents and I never left town. Kimo got to Ha'iku, "Lucky" got to the airport 3 times and TMR had a fare to/from Ma'alaea. My biggest run was $16.10
This is really a disappointing "winter high season". Even worse than last year's, and that was pitiful.
Oh, well.
Tomorrow Today is another day. Maybe I'll get lucky.
8 fares / 62 miles / 4th quarter below $100 bracket
May your day fare better than mine. I'll see you tomorrow.


Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"