I thought the price of crude had dropped to the high $80s. Must have missed something. I hate it when that happens.
It was my night with the phone and 5 minutes before taking over, at 9:00 PM, myself, TMR and a "day" holdover got a large group from The Shops to the harbor in Kahului. Did the pick-up at exactly 9:00 PM. The band at Longhi's, an Italian restaurant, was so loud that I could just barely hear the owners voice when he made the transfer. As sensitive as the Blue Tooth headset is, he probably could just barely hear me also.
Three full vans with a bunch of Aussie's, from Sydney (mostly), doing the islands cruise on the Pride of Hawaii. Mostly in their 30's and dressed to the "nines". A few had imbibed just a wee bit too much but no one was obnoxious. They all referred to me as "Santa Claus" rather than "Father Christmas", which surprised me. I guess its only the older generation using "FC" on a regular basis.
They wanted to know why "I" was here, rather than cleaning up the "details" this close to the holiday.
"Well, sweetheart, what with global warming and the melting of the polar ice cap, I had to move my operations to a different location. And I thought, why not be warm for a change? I still use the North Pole address, but all the letters are diverted to Mau'i. Had to let the elves go. That was sad but I hired Menehunes from here. The reindeer didn't like tropical weather so I traded in the sleigh for a red surfboard. Hauled by 8 tiny seahorses, still looking for a replacement for Rudolph. Red noses on seahorses is as rare as on a reindeer.
Have y'all been good little girls and boys?"
"Bad!" they chorused.
"Well, the guys are going to get a lump of coal. Live with it.
You girls, Santa will be by to see you personally. Maybe we can work something out. Wink. Wink.
And don't forget, ladies, while 'GOOD' little girls may get to go to Heaven. 'BAD' little girls get to go EVERYWHERE!"Everybody was in hysterics. They liked my "spiel". Gave me $10 on a $53.
One guy was my fare 3 times. From Sydney, also, I picked him up as part of a four-some from the "Triangle" to the Mana Kai. Gave him my card. 30 minutes later I get a call from Sarentos. Someone going to the "Triangle". I guess he walked over from the Mana Kai, they are adjacent, and found out that the bar was closed. Ended up taking him to Mulligans. An hour later Chris, the bartender and a "regular", at Mulligans told me that "Your crazy Aussie friend is ready to go".
Back to the condo? Of course not!
We made it back to the "Triangle" just before "last call". He may have gotten one drink. That is, if anybody would serve him. He was impaired. Badly, but still functioning. About 5 minutes later, TMR picked up a "flag" from the 76 (gas) station, on the south side of the "Triangle" It was him. His wife was very beautiful and sexy and he would rather be out alone? I know how I would be spending a romantic tropical vacation with my wife.
I filled up Cab #7 for the first time. On ONE-NINE (sob) it took 12 gallons when 1/4 full. It took 16.995 gallons to bring #7 to full from the 1/4 mark. Damn! That thing must have a 25 gallon tank. I've only used 1/8 of a tank each of the last two mights. I didn't look but it felt like it was a "4 banger". Possibly a small V6. #7 looks nice inside and out. And it felt weird not having to miss runs because ONE-NINE (sob, sob) could only hold four.
I won't know what I am driving tonight until after I wake up. The owner is supposed to send me an e-mail.
7 fares / 88 miles / 2nd quarter $100 bracket
Have a great day everyone and Happy TGIF to those west of me.

"Let's all be careful out there!"