$1 CAD = $1.03663 US
From memory only, I think the last time they were par was about 1964.
One more legacy in "Fearless Leader's" ability to run a country. He's been a failure his entire life. I wish we could amend the constitution to require politicians to have at least an average IQ.
Or maybe we could make the change to:
The person with the LEAST amount of votes would be REQUIRED to run the country.We couldn't do any worse than what we have suffered through the past 43 years.
After Brandon's comment regarding the "pervert" post, I have repositioned it to follow the "explanation".***
A boring night. It started good, with a fare shortly after I logged in. I caught the shirt-tail of whatever rush we had for dinner. I had a few unexpected good fares, one to Kahului, the car rental agencies, and another on a round trip to a store, from a Kihei residence. Only 9 trips by 2a.The couple I featured yesterday, Pietrina & Bruce, needed a ride to OGG yesterday. I had suggested that they leave early, drop their bags at OGG and then continue over to Mama's Fish House for a late lunch prior to departing. A wonderful meal to add to the memories and a full tummy, thus avoiding whatever sandwich the airline would try to sell in-flight. I wasn't sure if they were going to follow my suggestion but told them I would be off-duty and they should just call and request ONE-NINE. I passed the info on to "Murph", my co-driver.
When we did the change over, a little after 4a this morning, he told me that they had called and requested ONE-NINE, and they did go to Mama's. He also got a "meet-n-greet" back to Wailea, from OGG, after dropping them. He agreed with my reaction about what a great couple they were.
12 fares / 110 miles / 3rd quarter $100 bracket
Dispatch from home again tonight. I am going to have to do it from a different room. Seems my voice is disturbing the guy who lives above me. We'll see how that goes. I only have my front room and my bedroom as alternatives.I am also going to set my alarm before I hit the sack. Don't want a repeat of last week.
Hope you make it by tomorrow. Until we meet again:
Assorted Mau'i

"Let's all be careful out there!"