President Bush visited the troops in Iraq on Thanksgiving Day.
For the morale factor of the troops, a nice gesture. The GI's needed it.
There were other more motivating political factors involved, though.
He wanted to show Saddam & "uncle bin" that he could go anywhere in their baliwick that he wished to. But by doing it on the "sly" he actually showed that he feared making an announced trip and his action indicates that the American military do not have control in Iraq. Something that anyone following the news with even half an ear has already deduced. This is why he didn't leave the Bagdad airport.
We are an occupying, not a controlling, force. We are basically in the same position as the German Army was in France during WWII and look how they faired against the French resistance. The U.S. installed government in Iraq has the same veracity as the German installed Vichy government in France during WWII.
Regardless of the motives, I am happy for the troops.
Wow !!!!
This has been a real mess.
My computer sat down and I bought a second hand one. A big mistake as it
has a mind of its own, passwords applied and unknown...
3 months ago