College "Juniors" from the Sea-Tac area
Here on "Spring Break"
Considering that we were two cabs short for the shift, TMR (#27) returns tomorrow and Hardin (#25) was a "no-show", we were never overwhelmed. Mosied into work at 7:09pm and the phone was in the cup holder, just waiting for me. Logged on and the calls were transferred within 90 seconds. I guess Art was hungry. By 9:00pm all three "day" cabs were pau hana. For a Friday night it was quietly active. The bars were full and people were behaving themselves. The wonderful trade winds we are enjoying may have sedated the population. Tina (#05) and "Crazy" Brian (#09) went "adios" by 2:05am. A couple of decent overnight runs. Relieved by Flor (#27) about 4:30am. Only had one reservation to pass on. That makes for a slow start to the day-shift.***
The general reaction about the three young ladies from yesterday's edition has been universal. Everyone is flabbergasted that they were as young as they were. You should have seen MY face when I found out. I think my lower jaw bounced twice on the steering wheel
When they got into ONE-NINE, I pegged their age as early 20's. They weren't pulling my leg though. The conversation they engaged in was definitely that of their stated age. Girls in their mid-teens talk differently than their older sisters. There is a drastic change in topics with just the addition of 5 or 6 years of life experience. The main theme is still the same, BOYS, but modified by maturity(?).
I also hope that none of what I wrote be construed as criticism of the girls. They were being typical teenagers, on an adventure. Totally naive to the dark side of the real world. However, I think their parents/chaperons should be horsewhipped.
I finally met the new owners this past week. A nice couple from Sacramento, CA, USA. Larry and Darcy.***
Well, today is Saturday and the "Professor" will be dispatching tonight. Lets see how it goes.I can always hope.
Can't I?
Hey, I really enjoyed your visit.See ya tomorrow?

"Let's all be careful out there!"