Boogie boards are sold everywhere, even in supermarkets.
These are kinda pretty. Looks like some of Wyland's artwork.

There are only a few places in the world where this much protection is needed. I think you are protected upto a "X" level solar flare. Very popular item with our "snowbird" visitors.

This is Kristy Plonsky. She owns an acupuncture business that uses lasers rather than needles. She specializes in helping people quit smoking. Whether it works or not is debateable. But at $299.00 per session, she's obviously laughing all the way to the bank.
I dropped her in Makena, in a "gated" community about 500 meters from Clint Eastwood's home. She was going to go hot tubbing with a friend.

First really good shift in a long time. Came on at 7:00pm and didn't get a run until 8:30pm and that was to OGG. Followed that up with a run from the Mau'i Prince Hotel (way south) to Sugar Beach at the very north end of Kihei. And then I made a trip from The Grand to the Hyatt, in Kaanapali (north of Lahaina, on the westside of the island).
Three really big $$$ runs in a row. The airport run tipped me $17 and the westside trip brought a $42 gratuity. Not bad at all! :)
Other than perfunctory radio traffic, I had no conversations with the drivers who were a pain the prior shift.
As usual for a saturday night/sunday morning, there were no requests for a cab during my solo part of the shift.
Strange, I don't remember seeing any TV ads for CADBURY this year.
I live at the end of the world's day, just one time zone east of the International Date Line, so I hope everyone had a great Easter. Sunrise services are just starting here and my days off have begun.
"Let's all be careful out there!"