Everyone thought that the big fire from last weekend was an accident. But more fires keep erupting in the area. Apparently, someone doesn't like the idea of the new windfarm generators that have been erected on the side of the mountain.
This is not an uncommon form of protest and civil disorder in the islands. Some people have a problem with change in their world. They would rather destroy than adapt.
Its a shame.

Do to some domestic problems, my bestest friend Judy is crashing at my place for awhile. It's strange having another person in the house after living by myself for so long. With our schedules, she's a day person, we will briefly cross paths in the early morning and the early evening as one of us is getting ready for work and the other is just coming home. I love Judy very much, in a non-eros way, and really enjoy her company.
Bear is jealous though. While we were sitting of the sofa, he had to keep getting between us and demanding to be petted. It was okay if Judy petted him but he was happiest when we both did it. Usually he'll come to me at bedtime for his strokings and ignore me the rest of the day.
Typical cat attitude.
Beautiful Ocean Lookout

Lahaina Harbor

Black Sand - Big Island

Ka'anapali Beach

Ka'anapali - Black Rock / Sheraton Hotel

Hawai'i Beach Rocks

Kailua-Kona - Big Island

Kaneohe Beach - O'ahu





Kaua'i Shoreline

Late Summer Hawai'i

Lana'i Sunset

"Let's all be careful out there!"