In the last 24 hours I received a hit from an ISP identified as:
U.s. Senate Sergeant At Arms
This was the result of a Google search that someone did. My "Mission Accomplished" post was ranked #6 on that search. Not half bad for this lil' ol' blog.***
"Ignore the man behind the curtain"Dubya actually believes that the $152 billion economic stimulus package ($600 a person, $1,200 a couple and $300 a child) is going to actually rebound the economy this summer. His reaction to the increase in unemployment (20,000 in non-farm occupations) in April, the 4th straight month of job losses, was:
"it could have been worse"Even as he drags the dying, rotting corpse of his administration to its grave, he still doesn't have a handle on what is happening in the our nation. It must be splendid to live in an ivory tower and view the world through rose colored glasses.
The race fears that many Americans have been trying to deal with, and many had made major headway, were crushed by Wright's wrong words. The race issue is far from dead in America. Bigotry comes in every color of the rainbow. Racism is not strictly a white perogative.
As eloquent as Obama is, I don't think he now has a snowball's chance in hell.

Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"