As I am approaching the "triangle" last night, a really scruffy looking guy dashes out of Kalama Park across the street in front of me. Damn near hit him. As I pass him, I yell out the window "That's a good way to end up dead."
After turning into the "Triangle" and parking, my passenger door is jerked open by this dude. My first thought is trouble! He is standing there, out of breathe, panting "I got money! I got money!" While showing me his wallet choked with American "Greenbacks".
"Quick! Get me outta here!"
"No problem. Where do you want to go?"
He gave me an address at the south end of town.
"No problem. Hop in. What happened back there? A drug deal gone bad?"
"Some 'loca' punks tried to rob me!"
"Wow!, Really? Are you okay?" (True meaning of the question was "please don't bleed on my velour seats")
"Yeah, I got away from them."
Kalama Park, after dark, is bad news. Everyone who lives here knows that is where the "nightcrawlers" do their business.
When we drop tourists at the "triangle" we always tell them NOT to go for a walk in the park. No matter how romantic it may seem. We have had a couple of murders there, all drug related, over the past couple of years.
About two years ago, the members of MPD's SWAT team were having a family picnic at the park. Two scumbags came up to them and wanted to buy some drugs. The officers told them to "fuck off". Ten minutes later, these "Lex Luthors" come back with a gun and start shooting at the cops. BAD MOVE!! There was a ten minute running gun fight. The bad guys were captured a few hours later and, luckily, no one was injured.
Like most police agencies, the "nighthawks" can't be everywhere all the time. So the "nightcrawlers" just keep plying their wares.
Different faces and places but nothing ever changes. Sigh.
Everything Looks Different In The Daylight!

Sunrise begins to kiss the West Mau'i Mountains.

"Top Of The House" at the Grand Wailea.

The waterfall along the main entry driveway at the Grand Wailea.

The view from the east side walk to the restrooms.

The view from the west side walkway to the restrooms.
Moonset Over Maalaea Bay

This was taken about 0150hrs. Kinda crappy shot, but in reality it was beautiful.
"Let's all be careful out there!"