MAY 17, 2005
About 3:30AM I received a call from the Grand Wailea that a sick infant and her parents needed to get to the hospital ER. I picked them up at 3:34AM.
The baby was in obvious respiratory distress (asthma?).
The trip is normally 35 minutes but since it was late and the roadway was empty I was rolling about 20MPH over the limit. (60 in a 40)
Right after we left Kihei, the baby stopped breathing.
I gave the parents shouted instructions on infant mouth-to-mouth.
I called 9-1-1 and advised them what I had.
I activated my 4-way flashers and floored it. Doing between 100 and 110 mph. Nice to have had a lot of training in this area.
Baby started breathing again within one minute.
About 1 minute out from the ER, the baby quit breathing again.
Entered the ER waiting room screaming "CODE BLUE!"
Immediate response from everyone.
Baby is fine now.
Made the 35 minute trip in 19 minutes.
Dad gave me $200 and a quick "thanks".
Had "the shakes" the rest of my shift.
Wow !!!!
This has been a real mess.
My computer sat down and I bought a second hand one. A big mistake as it
has a mind of its own, passwords applied and unknown...
3 months ago