Its HOT! here in the central valley. We should top out around 108 today. The 5-day forecast calls for triple digits all week. Between 105-112. Just 100 miles to the west, in San Francisco, the temp is about 75. What a contrast.
I shouldn't complain though. Forecasters in the UK are saying that there is a good chance that summer is over in that part of the world with little sunshine forecast for the remainder of the year.
Some people just need a reality wake-up call. Leaving a construction unguarded over the 3-day weekend resulted in a 500 gallon tank of diesel fuel disappearing. Thats not something you could just pull up in a pickup truck and cart away. Obviously an inside job.
An architectural firm has released a report of the 10 best cities by design in the USA. El Lay beat "Frisco" and "Shy Town".
The ITV has a program called The Jeremy Kyle Show (we are probably distantly related). Like most major broadcast networks, the ITV have "Standards & Practices" personnel assigned to bleep offensive words from live broadcasts. But what is the poor button-pusher to do when the offending guest has such a strong Scottish brough that the censor couldn't understand what was being said?
I swear that some people are born with absolutely no brains.
And the annual running of the morons in Pamplona, Spain has already claimed nine victims. Does god mass produce these people?
Just because you're a big ol' aeroplane, hogging the sky, doesn't mean that someone won't punch you in the nose for being a bully.

"Let's all be careful out there!"