Just one of those inconsequential items to ponder.
My shift started right out of the gate. As I was loading my crap into ONE-NINE, my cell rang. It was dispatch wanting to know how long before I was going to check in. They had a pupu "ready to go" and I was "it". Made the pick-up at 7:04p. Then I sat for about 40 minutes, until I worked my way to the top of the queue. At 7:52p, the shift really started cooking, for everybody. Long runs, short runs but I don't recall anyone ever leaving the southside.At 10p we had a scheduled 5 cab reservation from way out in Makena. Just spitting distance from where the roadway ends at La Perouse Bay. 26 people, a wedding party, going from there to Mulligans-on-the-Blue.
The bridal couple were being transported in a beautiful white "stretch" Lincoln Town Car limo. We were taking the rest.
A couple of hours later, we moved those people from Mulligans to their various condos. Most of these folks were from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, which they described to me as a "ritzy" area near "Philly".
There are a couple of properties, out in that isolated area of Makena, that can be rented for parties and receptions. They sit right on the water. If you think "Robin's Nest" from the old TV show, Magnum, PI, you'll have a good idea of what is being offered.
Just at bar close, the area next to LAB was closed by MPD and paramedics. I thought there had been a traffic incident (auto vs pedestrian) but later learned it was just some kind of fight. One of the guys had been Tazered a couple of times. He was arrested and near 3a I picked him and his girlfriend up, taking them home to the far north end of Kihei. Apparently, when he got that 50,000 volt (0 amps) "tingle", he had fallen and hit his head. During the ride he kept saying that the cops had stomped and kicked him while he was down and had pepper sprayed him. A caucasian guy that I have seen many times around the "Triangle", usually "plastered". I did learn one thing about Tazers. They sober you up very fast and leave you sore and aching everywhere.
I easily broke $200 on the meter and most of my tips were outstanding. Covered 15 trips for my shift.
Finally walked in my front door at 6:00a, exhausted. That is why this post is later than normal, along with the connectivity issues I was having this morning accessing the web.
Feces occurs.
It may just be my old "cop" attitude and suspicious nature (lets face it, it never goes away) but I am strongly concerned about one of our drivers. One of the drivers will get dispatched to a location and before they can arrive, this other driver announces a "flag" from the same pick up location, going to the same destination as the original dispatch. Trust me, it not nice to "scoop" your co-workers. Bad things can happen. This driver has done this to me twice in the past week and at least three other times, to other drivers in the last 3 weeks, that I am personally aware of. "Grapevine" rumors indicate that this is a consistent habit. TMR and I have also seen the driver, with people in the cab, leaving the "Triangle" but failing to announce a pick-up or drop-off. Thus maintaining queue postion and probably not recording the fare on the "Driver's Log Sheet". This is called "poaching" and is theft from the other drivers and most likely from the company, also.Eventually, this individual will be caught red-handed. Why do crooks think they can get away with this BS? They are opportunistic and lucky for a bit but their greed and stupidity always does them in.
I have a lifetime's worth of experience dealing with these asses.
Have a fantastic day, wherever you may be, and stop back by tomorow, if you get the opportunity.Mahalo
Dick Fiske, USMC
USS West Virginia
USS West Virginia

"Let's all be careful out there!"