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Music Video:GOD BLESS THE USA (by Lee Greenwood)
Considering that today is a major holiday, you would have thought that we would have been overwhelmed with business last night. Yeah, you would have thought....
It wasn't "dead" but it just wasn't "busy". Not like I thought it would be. I actually did pretty fair for the shift.
- 3 Dinner runs
- 3 Dinner returns
- 0 Bar rush
- 6 Bar close
- 3 Overnights
I told my stupid jokes. Napped. Fretted through my "pet" peeves. Just generally watching the clock the entire shift. Just waiting for my day-shift relief to check-in.
15 fares / 115 miles / bottom quarter $200 bracket
While it has been toned down quite a bit since I moved here in January of 1994, the 2 big fireworks days are today and New Year's Eve, with NYE being the more impressive of the 2. Today, permits are required to purchase "true" fireworks/firecrackers but the "Safe & Sane" ones have no restrictions.Also available, illegally, are bottle rockets, roman candles, skyrockets, right up to commercial display quality and size.
If ya gots de bucks, ya can get da bangs.
The law says you may discharge pyrotechnic devices between the hours of 9p-1a. As dry as the island is, we are currently in drought conditions with voluntary water restrictions, one blown spark could easily ignite a conflagration.Tonight is a night that you keep your car windows rolled up. Every year, ONE-NINE becomes a target for all types of explosive projectiles. I've lost count of the number of bottle rocket and roman candle hits we've taken over the years.
Check in tomorrow and have a great holiday, today.
Halloween - 2006
Front Street
Front Street

"Let's all be careful out there!"