Next month in Italy, the First Annual "Miss Sister, Italy" beauty pageant will be held.
I wonder if there is going to be a bathing suit judging section?
Its a shame this couldn't have happen during live coverage of the Democratic National Convention. It would have been so funny watching the "Fair & Balanced" Network people trying to tread water as their SkyBox flooded. And, as if you didn't know, Fox news is not the news source of choice for the very far left.
And Fox's street reporter reminds me of WKRP's Les Nesman. That not fair. Les was more competent.
So, the big question of the day is:
All public transportation entities are micro-managing fuel consumption. Thank goodness this didn't happen to an airline.
Minicot - pt. 1
Minicot - pt. 2

"Let's all be careful out there!"