All of these new guys are very physically fit and
B I G!
I think their approach is going to be more assertive than passive.
Its all a matter of perspective. Compared to Tuesday night, last night was almost 100% better. Compared to last year, it sucked. Royally.The only fares of interest were a guy that I picked up from his job at a restaurant in south-central Kihei. Apparently there had been a SNAFU with him being picked up early yesterday morning. I tried to resolve the issue and said I would check out what the problem was. That wasn't satisfactory for him. He, basically, wanted the drivers fired. The company sold. The owner shot. I made three attempts to reach an equitable understanding, unsuccessfully. When we reached his residence, he refused to pay. I could call the cops.
Not a problem. Advised dispatch that I needed the police at my location for a "Refuse To Pay". 5 seconds later, a $20 bill landed on the front passenger seat. I canceled the MPD request. I don't think he is ever going to ride with me again. Feces occurs.
The other interesting ride was actually a split pickup. TMR (#27) had dropped a 6-pax at Denny's just before bar close. At 20 past 2a I get the request to return them to the Wailea Marriott. I re-advised the lady calling that I would have to do 2 trips. 4 is my max passenger load. Got the first 3 at 2:30a. From California, Maryland and Rhode Island, they have been partying for the past week. Celebrating their college graduation. Nice set of kids. The second set were from California. Pepperdine graduates. The girl was talkative. The guy in the left rear was quiet and the guy in the right rear hung his head out the window, barfing the entire 2 mile (3.2 km) ride. 99.999% of his stomach contents made it out the window and down the side of ONE-NINE. Quick hose job fixed that.
Don't forget to enter the 100K contest. Entries will be accepted until ONE-NINE reaches 99K.Everybody have a spectacular day. Me? I am off to bed. See ya tomorrow. Ta-ta.
Black Sand Beach


"Let's all be careful out there!"