Actually watched some TV tonight. First time in weeks. With one exception, I haven't missed anything. Our NBC-TV outlet had a show called "HEROES" on. Interesting premise. Enough of a hook that I will probably try to catch it again. Enough unique twists and turns to capture the imagination. Has anyone else watched it?
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Earthquake recovery continues. Statewide, there was about $100 million dollars in damage and that is expected to rise. There were no fatalities and no major injuries. Thats pretty fantastic.
The back road to Hana is closed. One of the cement bridges is so structurally weaken that the Department of Transportation doesn't even want people walking on it. So, of course, everyone who drives out there does just that. Darwin Award applicants, obviously.
Big controversy about the absolute failure of our AM/FM radio stations, statewide, and their inability to maintain broadcast capability in a diaster.
KITV, Channel 4, was broadcasting almost from the beginning of the emergency. You folks who tuned into CNN saw their live programming. They also were webcasting live from their website. The whole world knew more than we in the islands did. No power meant no TV, no PC and no web connection. Landline telephones worked, if you had one that didn't require power, very rare now-a-days. Cell service stayed functional but was overloaded most of the time. Getting access often required many attempts.
Various "talking heads" want this whole communications SNAFU investigated. Which means that nothing will be done. Just look at New Orleans.
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Shadow posted this and I think it is worth sharing.
Virtual Pumpkin Carver
Gnightgirl has shared an interesting tale that fits the season.
East Mau'i Shoreline

"Let's all be careful out there!"