What can I say? There were some nice runs, there were some short runs and there were long periods of radio silence. Very long periods.
Thought my luck was going to change though when I took over the phone at 2a. A reservation for 2 people from the Four Seasons to Ha'iku at 2:30a. That is about $100 one-way. I am staged and waiting by 2:15a. The phone rings at 2:27a. Its the Four Seasons. The parties had changed their minds.
Had a lot of "no-shows" also. Just one of those "learning experience" shifts, I guess.Bar-close brought me one fare of interest. A local hauli guy. Wanted to go "Just a short way, dat-a-way." Kept trying to pin down something more than "just a short way" as we rolled north.
"Whats the street name?"
"Before da Maui Lu."
"What street?"
"Dis one."
"Can you be a little more specific?"
"By da black da kine."
"What da kine?"
"Da da kine. I tell you when we get dere."
We went all the way to the Maui Lu. The very first hotel built on the south-side of Mau'i.
"Oh, brah. You passed it."About half way back he suddenly told me to turn. Into Paradise Gardens, a residential apartment complex.
"Passed what? You never said to turn or stop."
"I know. My bad. Turn around and I tell you to stop."
Oh, "da kine" was the 10' tall fencing required to be placed around a construction site. Made of 2x4s and black tarpaper.
7 fares / 74 miles / 3rd quarter below $100 bracket
Hope to see you tomorrow.

"Let's all be careful out there!"