This video (15 seconds long) was the most exciting, most interesting thing from last night
Entry Fountain - Four Seasons
It looks like I'll have the phone again this Friday. Its the way the new rotation list is working out for this week. Whether I do Sunday night is still undecided. As with all new things, how it looks on paper and how it actually plays out isn't quite the same.
Supposedly, whoever gets the phone at 9p HAS to stay on until 2a, when I take it over for the dog-watch. Last night was Tina's night and she went home at midnight. Which meant that TMR, who conceived of this concept, had to take over for 2 hours. I do more than my fair share and I'll be damned if I'll do anymore, involuntarily. Maui Jim is scheduled for tonight, Terry on Thursday, me on Friday and then TMR again on Saturday. If I don't do Sunday, then Kimo will have it.
We have some IT geeks as this week's large group. I don't know how many but only 23 of them went from resort-to-resort for dinner last night. That gave me 50% of my runs for the night.
I woke up yesterday morning at 7:30a. I don't know why. Couldn't fall back to sleep. Believe me, I tried. Took a 2-hour break at 11p and struggled to get through the dog-watch until my relief showed up. I should sleep soundly today.
Lets hope for more activity tonight.
6 fares / 40 miles / 2nd quarter below $100 bracket
Hope to see you tomorrow.
Fairmont Kea Lani Resort
Wailea, Mau'i
Wailea, Mau'i

"Let's all be careful out there!"